
AP State Syllabus 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 5B Bonsai Life Part 2

I. Complete the statements giving more than one reason

1. Girls should be educated like boys because?
  • -------
  • -------
  • -------
  • ------- ans:
    • they need to stand on their own feet.
    • they need to get financial independence,
    • they need not to beg others for anything,
    • they need to lead a dignified life.
    2. Fully grown trees are more useful because?
    • -------
    • -------
    • ------- ans:
      • they give us shade.
      • they give us flowers and fruit.
      • they give us wood for constructions and firewood.
      • they give us medicines.

        II. Answer the following questions

        1.Why was Akkayya perplexed?

        ans:Akkayya was surprised to see the turayi and pomegranate trees in the little flower pots among the other flower plants. She didnt know they were bonsai trees. So, she asked Ammalu why they planted those trees in the flower pots and how they could grow if they didnt let them grow freely. Hearing Akkayya words, Ammalu burst into laughter. Akkayya didnt understand why Ammalu had laughed. So, she was perplexed

        2.How is a bonsai reared?

        ans:Bonsai is a Japanese art form using miniature trees grown in containers. A bonsai is created beginning with a specimen of source material. The source specimen is shaped to be relatively small. Then it is planted in a display pot. The practice of bonsai development incorporates a number of techniques, they are

        • leaf trimming
        • punning the trunk, branches and roots
        • wining branches and trunks
        • clamping
        • grafting new growing material and
        • defoliation.
        3.What similarities do you notice between the bonsai tree and the housewife?

        ans:Like the housewife, the bonsai tree is very delicate. Both the housewife and the bonsai cant protect themselves. They cant provide shelter to anyone. They cant bear sufferings. They depend upon others for everything

        4.What made the narrator feel the urge to free the bonsai?

        ans:The narrator heart was touched by Akkayya words. Akkayya words made the narrator feel the urge to free the Bonsai. She thought that it was just as one freed a bird from a cage to let it fly

        5.What is the central theme of Bonsai Life?

        ans:The central theme of Bonsai Life is that the women should be well educated and empowered. The women should know how to take care of themselves. They should protect themselves. They should be able to stand on their own feet. They shouldnt depend upon others for everything. They should take up jobs

        III. Make a list of activities done by a homemaker and a working woman

        Homemaker Working Woman # # # # # # # # # # # # ans: Homemaker Working Woman
      • Serving the husband
      • Doing the job
      • Looking after the offspring
      • Looking after the offspring
      • Washing the clothes
      • Managing the things at home
      • Cleaning the floor
      • Marketing
      • Cleaning the vessels
      • Cooking (in some cases)
      • Cooking the dishes
      • Washing (in some cases)
      • IV. Put a tick (?) mark against the most appropriate meaning for the phrases given below

        1. . to keep the washerman account means?
        • to take care of household work.
        • to count clothes,
        • to maintain the washerman account.
        2. . uphill task means?
        • high quality work.
        • a difficult job.
        • working on a hill.

          3. . grass is greener on the other side means?

          • the grass on this side is green.
          • others are as good as we are.
          • others are in a better position than us.

            4. . like a scorpion under a slipper means?

            • killing a scorpion with a slipper.
            • being guided and controlled,
            • feeling totally suppressed. ans:
              • - a (?)
              • - b (?)
              • - c (?)
              • - c (?)


                I. Look at the phrasal verb underlined in the following sentence. "I feel like giving it up. (give up)

                What does it mean? Give is a verb and up is a preposition. Such combinations are called phrasal verbs. A phrasal verb normally gives a meaning different from the meaning of its parts. Give up means to stop doing something

                Refer to a dictionary and find out the meaning of some more phrasal verbs beginning with give and look

                • give in ----
                • give out ----
                • give away ----
                • look after ----
                • look up ----
                • look into ----
                • Use the above phrasal verbs in your own sentences.
                • --------
                • --------
                • --------
                • --------
                • --------
                • --------

                  ans:give in: to accept that you are defeated give out: to come to an end

                  give away: to give something to someone look after: to take care of someone look up: to become better

                  look into: to try to find out the truth about a problem

                  • The enemies were eventually forced to give in.
                  • Her patience finally gave out.
                  • I gave most of my books away to my friend.
                  • The old man was looking after the child.
                  • Finally, the things are beginning to look up.
                  • The police officer is looking into the missing of the boy.

                    II. Look at the simile in the following sentence

                    Without it, she will have to live under her husband thumb like a scorpion under a slipper. The life of a homemaker is compared to a scorpion under a slipper. When we compare two things, we often use the word like

                    Here are a few more examples of similes

                    • He roars like a lion.
                    • They eat like wolves.

                      Look at the following similes

                      • bright like a full moon
                      • sleep like a log
                      • eat like a bird
                      • beautiful like a rose
                      • sweet like honey

                        Now write five sentences using the above similes

                        • --------
                        • --------
                        • --------
                        • --------
                        • -------- ans:
                          • This light is bright like a full moon.
                          • He sleeps like a log.
                          • She eats like a bird.
                          • It seems beautiful like a rose.
                          • It is sweet like honey.

                            III. Make some idioms from the words in circles and use them in your own sentences, one is done for you

                            <""./> ans: Idiom Sentence thorn in flesh He has been a thorn in flesh for them for years sore on back foot Mr. Rao has been annoying them like a sore on back foot top of the world As Sharma got a job. he is on top of the world cat on the wall sriram has not yet decided; he is being like a cat on wall


                            I. Read the sentences

                            • <""./> grew accustomed to village life.
                            • <""./> went into the kitchen.

                              The words in circles are subjects. The words underlined are predicates.

                              II. Circle the subjects and underline the predicates

                            • The girls danced.
                            • The dark clouds filled the sky.
                            • Shiva drove a silver Toyota.

                              ans: <""./>

                              III. Identify subjects and predicates in each of the sentence in the following paragraph. The narrator felt very happy to receive her sister and brother-in-law, who came to stay with them. They brought many things with them. Akkaya made special dishes for her sister husband, which he liked very much. She praised her sister for being employed and making her living. She was very sorry about her position at home

                              One day the narrator showed her Bonsai plants and explained how they are grown but she did not like it. On a rainy day many people gathered under a tree to take shelter

                              Showing this, Akkaya made the narrator understand the importance of freedom in one life

                              Note: Subjects are given in bold letters and predicates are underlined

                            • The narrator - subject felt very happy to recieve her sister and brother-in-law, who came to stay with them - predicate
                            • They - subject brought many things with them - predicate
                            • Akkayya - subject made special dishes for her sister husband which he liked very much - predicate
                            • She - subject praised her sister for being employed and making her living - predicate
                            • She - subject was very sorry about her position at home - predicate
                            • the narrator - subject showed her Bonsai plants and explained how they are grown but she did not like it - one day - predicate
                            • many people - subject gathered under a tree to take shelter on a rainy day - predicate
                            • Akkayya - subject Showing this - made the narrator understand the importance of freedom in one life - predicate


                              Look at the following poster?

                              List the features of this poster. e.g. Who has issued the poster? What is it about? The date, time, place of the event, layout and nature of the sentences

                            • Issuing authority: APDWACRA, Arunodaya building, Brodiepet, Guntur.
                            • Event: Inauguration of handicrafts exhibition cum sale.
                            • Time: 4 p.m.
                            • Date: 15 October
                            • Place: Gunta Ground, Kothapet, Guntur.
                            • Duration: From 15th to 25th October.
                            • Layout: Suitable layout with the sentences which convey the theme directly.
                            I. Now, make a poster based on the information given below?
                            • Issuing authority: Andhra Pradesh Arts and Crafts Society, Vijayawada.
                            • Event: Dance Performance by Aarthi.
                            • November 14.
                            • Chief Guest: Honourable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
                            • Venue: PWD Grounds, Vijayawada.

                            ans: <""./>


                            I. Listen to a debate on the topic Education of the Girl Child is a Burden

                            Education of the Girl Child Is a Burden


                            Respected Chairperson, honourable Judges and dear friends, I stand here to express my views for the motion, Education of the girl child is a burden. I would like to state that the education of the girl child is indeed a burden

                            In a poor family the main concern for the head of the family is to provide food, clothing and health to all the members. Most of their resources are used for these priorities. Later, when they think of education, the first preference goes to the male child as he would be growing to be the breadwinner of the family, whereas the girl would leave the family one day. So, I feel that educating of the girl child is a burden

                            Speaker 2

                            Respected chairperson, honourable Judges and dear friends! My knowledgeable opponent is of the opinion that the education of the girl child is a burden. May I ask how education of the girl could be a burden when she is an equal partner in sharing the responsibilities and duties? If given a chance, she will be sharing the burden of the family at least till she gets married. So, I strongly oppose the motion

                            Speaker 1

                            When my opponent feels that the girl child would leave the family one day after marriage, cant we agree that it is a waste of money to educate a girl child? Instead, the families can save the money to bear the expenses of her wedding. Yes, surely the girl can reduce the burden not by earning after education but by managing the household work. As her duty in the later part of life is to look after the family and children, she better gets practice in the same. If she is away from home for longer periods, it would be an additional burden on the family

                            Speaker 2

                            My friend said, the future of the girl child is to look after the family and children. Havent such traditional gender roles led to inequalities in the society? I strongly feel that an educated girl can render financial assistance to the father and later to the husband. My dear friend, it is education that will bring about a change in the attitude of people towards the role of women. Indeed, it is rightly said: If you educate a man, you educate an individual. If you educate a woman, you educate a family

                            Now, complete the table based on the information youve just listened to


                            ans: <""./>

                            Bonsai Life Part 2 Summary in English

                            Though Akkayya had been very interested in studying, Nannagaru didnt educate her. He believed that studies wouldnt get into a girl head. So,

                            he had made Akkayya discontinue her education. He concentrated only on Annayya education. Akkayya got married to a villager and she was limited to do her household work. Ammalu took her Akkayya around the house. Akkayya was surprised to see the turayi and pomegranate trees in the flower pots among the flower plants. She felt sorry for them.

                            She questioned Ammalu how they would grow in that little space and why they couldnt let them grow freely. Ammalu explained that they were bonsai trees.

                            She told that Bonsai was a special method of growing plants.

                            The Japanese named this method bonsai. But Akkayya didnt like this idea. Ammalu was distressed as she was unable to impress her Akkayya with her bonsai.

                            Ammalu caught hold of Akkayya shoulder and dragged her into the room.

                            After a while it started raining.

                            Akkayya opened the window and looked at the streets. She saw many people standing under the huge turayi tree.

                            She showed it to Ammalu saying that it was providing shelter to the people and potecting them.

                            Ammalu asked her Akkayya what was the surprising thing about it.

                            Then Akkayya made Ammalu understand that a housewife life was like that of a bonsai. Though bonsai looked proper and sweet, it was very delicate.

                            It couldnt provide protection to anyone. Infact, it had to be brought under the canopy so that it would not be destroyed.

                            Akkayya words touched Ammalu heart. She felt like freeing the bonsai trees from their flower pots. Thus the story is a plea to provide education for women to empower them and make financially independent

                            About the Author

                            Abburi Chayadevi is a well known feminist writer born in 1933. She has written many short stories and essays. She was awarded by the Central Sahitya Akademi in 2005. In her works, she elucidates women life and their feelings

                            Bonsai Life Part 2 Glossary

                            adept (adj): a natural ability to do something skilfully drudgery (n): hard, boring work stunted (v): prevented from growth perplex (v): confuse canopy (n): a cover fixed over something for shelter squall (n): a strong wind rage (v): come with force respite (n): a short period of rest nought (n): nothingzero backyard (n): an area with a hard surface behind a house trimming (n): making something neater, smaller, better by cutting parts from it confine (v): to keep something inside the limits of a particular activity disheartened (adj): made somebody lose hope or confidence collapsed (v): lay down tend (v): to care for something withstand (v): to be strong enough not to be hurt or damaged by extreme conditions dragged (v): pulled somebody or something along with effort and difficulty

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